Designers / Sakamichi


Founded in 2019
Designer name: Sakamichi

Official website

Sakamichi's Logo

Sakamichi short perfume brand description

The Sakamichi Design Studio, Created by Japanese Fashion designer Sakamichi , has devoted itself to making clothing that challenges preconceived ideas of design by using traditional artisans’ techniques, as well as the latest technologies. The idea behind our endeavors is the goal to try to ‘make things that bring joy, excitement as well as comfort to people’s everyday lives.’ Design is ever in motion, never static. We pursue new ideas and always search for new ways by which design can serve our needs in the present. We achieve this, only by promoting curiosity and an open exchange of feelings and ideas. The Sakamichi Design Studio, Created by Japanese Fashion designer Sakamichi , has devoted itself to making clothing that challenges preconceived ideas of design by using traditional artisans’ techniques, as well as the latest technologies. The idea behind our endeavors is the goal to try to ‘make things that bring joy, excitement as well as comfort to people’s everyday lives.’ Design is ever in motion, never static. We pursue new ideas and always search for new ways by which design can serve our needs in the present. We achieve this, only by promoting curiosity and an open exchange of feelings and ideas.
Check full perfume collection of Sakamichi and compare prices
Perfumetr represents a list of all Sakamichi perfume and price comparison.

Sakamichi's perfume price comparison list:

Sakamichi Women's perfume (3)

Ice Silver
Ice Rose
Ice Gold

Sakamichi Men's perfume (3)

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