Designers / S. Oliver

S. Oliver

Founded in 1969
Designer name: S. Oliver

Official website

S. Oliver's Logo

S. Oliver short perfume brand description

The company s.Oliver founded in 1969 in Würzburg, Bavaria, in Germany. The company's first boutique opened as "Sir Oliver". The name Sir Oliver was inspired by Charles Dickens's novel Oliver Twist and by fashionable British stores that often featured the word "Sir" in their names. But as the company 4711 had also registered the word "Sir" as a trademark, Sir Oliver were forced to change their company name. They opted for the simple s.Oliver which eventually turned out to be the more appealing company name when the first ladieswear collections were launched.
Check full perfume collection of S. Oliver and compare prices
Perfumetr represents a list of all S. Oliver perfume and price comparison.

S. Oliver's perfume price comparison list:

S. Oliver Women's perfume (1)

S. Oliver Men's perfume (1)

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