Designers / Monets Palate

Monets Palate

Founded in 1980
Designer name: Claude Monet

Official website

Monets Palate's Logo

Monets Palate short perfume brand description

Monet’s Palate is all about the passion born one spring day in Giverny. As I sat at Monet's dining room table surrounded by flowers, a glass of spirited apple cider, ripe Camembert cheese running from its shell, and crusty bread, I considered the abundance before me. Simultaneously, the sweet scent of apples from the cider blended with the bouquet of the Giverny flowers picked that morning in the garden. It was a moment of awakening. I now understood that Claude Monet knew how to draw all the beauty from all the best in life and to bring them together – whether on his dining room table or on his canvas. I then thought of the similarities between great chefs and great artists like Monet – one with a canvas: the other with a plate – “Palate to Palette.”
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Monets Palate's perfume price comparison list:

Claude Monet Women's perfume (1)

Claude Monet Men's perfume (0)

Claude Monet does not have perfume for men.

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