Designers / Benetton


Founded in 1995
Designer name: Benetton

Official website

Benetton's Logo

Benetton short perfume brand description

In 1955, Luciano Benetton , the eldest of four children, was a 20 year-old salesman in Treviso. He saw a market for colourful clothes, and sold a younger brother's bicycle in order to buy his first second-hand knitting machine. Half a century later and Benetton is a giant in the world fashion and fragrance. Today Benetton is renowned for its international style that combines colour, energy and practicality to offer a complete everyday look for both work and playtime. Benetton 's line of fragrances are a stunning reflection of this ethos: intensely fresh and developed around crackling and explosive harmonies to feel at ease anytime, anywhere.
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