Designers / Adrienne Vittadini
Adrienne Vittadini

Adrienne Vittadini

Founded in 1994
Designer name: Adrienne Vittadini

Official website

Adrienne Vittadini's Logo

Adrienne Vittadini logo

Adrienne Vittadini short perfume brand description

Adrienne Vittadini is a fashion brand that represents modern sophistication, effortless elegance and ease. It was founded in 1979 by the eponymous American designer of Hungarian origin, who reinvented knitwear as an up-to-date, feminine and sensual way to dress. Her work is inspired by travel, art and pop culture. Her fashion aims at confident and spirited women, who thrive for timeless designs. “If a design is truly elegant, classic and pure, it will remain so forever” is the motto of Adrienne Vittadini. The brand today continues to offer knitwear in vibrant colors and rich textures with unexpected details, including accessories that further enhance the brand aesthetic. In 1994 she teamed up with Elizabeth Arden company to launch her first fragrance for women named AV.
Check full perfume collection of Adrienne Vittadini and compare prices
Perfumetr represents a list of all Adrienne Vittadini perfume and price comparison.

Adrienne Vittadini's perfume price comparison list:

Adrienne Vittadini Women's perfume (11)

Adrienne Vittadini Men's perfume (0)

Adrienne Vittadini does not have perfume for men.

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